Scotland's Premier Angling Club

 Exclusive license for all fishing at Hillend Reservoir. 

Trout Season : 15th Mar - 6th Oct 2025

Pike Season : 7th October to 14th March

First stocking for 2025 season

 will be Brown Trout and

 is in the diary for early April

Clubhouse is open on a best endeavours basis

Membership Prices  here

Day tickets and rod hire

are available during the trout season!


Another new Club Record!: Brown Trout 20lb 5oz

Huge congratulations to member Ian Baird on the new club record for a brown trout.  Caught with a roach on 20th Nov, this fish weighed in at a hefty 20lbs 5oz. This fish, that was accidentally caught during pike fishing, was carefully and successfully returned.  Well done Ian!

31st May 2022: Brown Trout 18 lb 1oz 8 grammes

Member, Steven O'Donnell,  caught this 18.18lb brown trout on the lip with half a sardine whilst dead baiting for pike.

Steven and his son Reece spent over an hour nursing it but sadly didn’t recover.  A superb catch Stephen and another reminder of "Fishing at It's best" with the fabulous fish that wait at Hillend Loch.

Day ticket holders are welcome to compete of the honour as a "club record holder" for Brown, Rainbow, Blue or Pike fish.

Catch the biggest and the best at our frequently stocked loch



Airdrie & District Angling Club is celebrating over 70 years of fishing at Hillend Loch.  While based near Caldercruix,  Airdrie the club attracts members from all around Scotland.  Come along and join our membership or just join us for a day.  Membership available online or at the clubhouse.


The cafeteria is open on best endeavours basis where you can buy coffee/tea snacks or even a hot pie!  Toilets are available when the clubhouse is open.


We stock a range of supplies at competitive prices.  Buy your essential tackle and bait at the Clubhouse.  Rod hire is available.

Sport for the whole family

Senior Members

Adult Members

Junior Members

Enjoy the peace and tranquillity of fishing on the bank or the friendly banter over a warm cup of tea at the clubhouse.

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